Friday, November 14, 2008

In National News: Obama Picks His Team

Reports have it that Barack Obama is considering Hillary Clinton for Secretary of State. A former First Lady and one of the most influential Senators in one of the worst Senates ever assembled – that’s Change I Can Believe In.
Obama has already selected Rahm Emanuel as his Chief of Staff. A lot of people got really fired up about this guy coming in as “bad cop to Obama’s good cop,” and that sounds all well and good if we were putting together the new drama on TNT, but that’s not what we’re doing here. The Raw Intelligence will of course withhold judgment until we see the man at work, but our initial impression can be summed up thusly: Rahm Emanuel seems less like a “bad cop” and more like a “fucking asshole.” He is known for being an extremely partisan political centrist. Is there anything worse than an extremely partisan political centrist? That’s basically someone who’s saying, “My views don’t differ all that much from the Republicans, but I’m going to battle them tooth-and-nail because they’re on the other team.” We don’t know for sure, but we think a lot of the people who were breathlessly clamoring for “change” during the campaign were talking about just that kind of thinking.
Also, Emanuel served on the board at Freddie Mac a few years back when the mortgage giant misstated its earnings by $5 billion. Um, wow. Cool. This is one of the guys who made many, many millions of dollars while directly contributing to the kind of skullduggery and bullshittery that fucked our financial system to the point where Congress had to fork over a mountain of taxpayer money to Wall Street. To borrow a few phrases from the douchebags on CNN and Fox News, when Joe Taxpayer went to his doctor on Main Street because he was having trouble sitting down, he found out it was because Rahm Emanuel’s dick was in his butt.
But, hey, we’ll see how he does.

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